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Why battle between God and god?

Mercy of God uncountable but there are no any mercy from god
It is mercy of God not a mercy of god

Why battle between God and god? All the things in the world are under a law and restriction.The moon stars are all tied in a bounded law.They can not be a slight opposite of the their laws. Earth is roaming with its special move in the orbit, the time and speed and the path that has been fixed for earth does not make any difference.All these natural things God has made for humans but human says that god created it.

Water, air, light, heat are all restricted to a systematic law. Plant,animal all living organism restricted to a systematic law & these all under the systematic law. Under these law they take birth,grow & reach to death.God says that I have made all the arrangements in an ideal rule. But man has created a separate god for every work.

God and god of Humans
If you will think about human, same condition & systematic law apply for them.Under the same law that is made for him, human take born, take water, breath, food, light and everything. Nobody cannot survive without food,water,oxygen,light etc. Means human under the fixed & permanent law.
Heart beat,blood circulations,breathing every things working under a law. Brain, heart, hand, leg, tongue,eye,ear,nose, means each part perform their work ,the work that has been designed to fix its work. All this is doing the same thing which is the law of doing them, nothing & never change in their work.

Under this mandate law, all big planets,stars, from stars to the smallest particle of the ground are restricted. "Now the question arises, who is the one who created this law". This is a law made by a very big creator that's God/Allah/Ishwar.

The thing that follows the creator's law is all Muslims (Muslim is a arabic or urdu word-meaning of Muslim is followers of God laws.so I have used here this word). Planet, stars, air, water, animal,human body follow the creator law is all Muslims. Earth, air, water, light, trees, stones,animals all are Muslims.

Let me tell you that Muslims means the followers of Creator's law. The person who does not recognize the creator and refuses the creator,except the creator and worship the other, try to mix the "creator" with others, he is a Muslim by his nature, but denies the Creator's law. His body working under the law of creator but his nature against the laws of creator.

It is because the human has the power of brain, thinking & able to take decisions. It's doesn't matter that decisions are right or wrong. There is a very good example of that not every person thinks like one, does not like the same, life itself makes a different way of living. But all the organs of the body of human race do the same work. can you say my hand work like nose? can you say my leg work like eye...No...Never...because they are following the creator rule. Body organs follows the rule of only one God But humans follow the rule of any other god.

Human Divided into Two Part

The one who recognizes his creator, Creator is his owner and his master, and his life passes in the manner described in him (creator).The person who loves his creator does the same thing, the life passes according to the law of creator. That is complete Muslim.

The Other, Muslim who was born, and remained a Muslim without knowing his life. But with the power of his knowledge and thinking, he did not recognize his creator.He refused the creator to his limited independence. A human who never try to know about the reality of creator & whole life wander in the dark.He ever thinks this is God, it seems that he is God. Keeps curtain on his brain. This type of humans not a follower of creator.

God says that all the things on the Earth are made for all humans. Now you think why God has created you?God has not created you because you create a god like him. Humans please stop the battle between God and god and try to search your real God.

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